The Divine Lineage
avatar of this yuga
Shirdi Sai Baba

Sri Kaleshwar

the big boss

Mother Mary

While Jesus's remarkable life and greatness— even though fundamental truths have been omitted and misconstrued— are widely recognized and revered, the true narrative begins with understanding the true identity of Mother Mary. After intense spiritual practice from many previous lifetimes, Mother Mary emerged as the most powerful spiritual master and healer two thousand years ago. Her life provides a crucial context to the true life and teachings of Jesus and comprehensive understanding of this significant chapter in spiritual history.
Her supreme yogic abilities were manifested in her miraculous conception of Jesus, a boon she received from Mother Divine. Jesus was a new soul, a soul of crystal diamond purity. All of Jesus' soul was completely his mother’s soul energy. Not only did she conceive him, she also spiritually enlightened him within her womb, transferring her Shakti (soul power) to him. Demonstrating the profound capabilities of the holy womb chakra, an important enlightenment practice in this lineage, she perfected the divine transformative potential it holds. Without her significant influence and blessings, we would not be able to receive these teachings today.
Mary was Jesus' first teacher. She was deeply connected to the spiritual teachings and practices of India, which she demonstrated also when she employed another sadhana known as Khandanayoga to heal and bring Jesus back to life after his crucifixion.
Mother Mary’s life demonstrated the innate, supremely divine power all women have through their womb chakra. She will serve as a spiritual leader and shining light for future generations of women.
Gautama Buddha

Ramana Maharshi

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

The immortal master
Mahavatar Babaji

The Saptarishis
The Saptarishis are the original seven rishis, enlightened beings born from Brahma consciousness at the onset of the creation cycle. They have held the responsibility of steering humanity's evolution in every age. As 'semi-immortals', their reincarnations pervade each era, providing essential spiritual wisdom and illuminating the spiritual laws befitting each age.
These esteemed seers are the source of the profound knowledge encapsulated in the Vedas and the ancient palm leaf manuscripts. The knowledge that create the foundation of the teachings imparted by Sri Kaleshwar belongs to the Atharva Veda, which reveals supernatural formulas to demonstrate miracle energy and bless and fulfill desires, as well as advanced yogic techniques such as Parakaya Pravesh, Pranic Tantra, and Kandhana Yoga.
Often referred to as our true founding fathers, the Saptarishis are the inspiration and guiding spirit of humanity. Their infinite compassion, love and dedication pervades the sacred teachings gifted to mankind, leading to an immortal bond with these divine masters.
Modern incarnations of these Saptarishis include revered figures like Shirdi Baba, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Ramana Maharshi, Vivekananda, and Sri Kaleshwar. Their perennial divine work continues to guide humankind today.